Our Professional Team has over 25 years of experience in the radon mitigation and water treatment industry. We are AARST/NRPP certified radon mitigation technicians and AARST multifamily certified radon contractors. We provide our services to Southern, Central & Coastal New Hampshire and are committed to creating a safer living environment for you and your family in Durham, NH.
Exposure to radon poses an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, primarily lung cancer and stomach cancer. Radon concentrations in both air and water.
We offer full-service radon mitigation services that are designed to get the radon within your home below EPA action level, thus creating a safer home environment. Be sure to contact us today!
The primary concern when it comes to radon entering your home is air and water contamination. With a radon mitigation system we can mitigate the possibility of the harmful gas ever entering your home.
We will install a fan that draws in the radon gas from below the foundation of your home, and then pushes the radon through an exhaust pipe that releases it harmlessly into the air.
To remove radon from water we will install a Bubble Up Interactive product, which removes radon from water while including numerous safety features. Such as; meter control and alarms for vent obstruction, high water and leaks — even during power outages.
Until recently the affects of radon have been widely unknown. Through modern research it has been found that Radon is a leading cause of lung cancer amongst common homeowners and attributes for more than 21,000 annual deaths. Furthermore, one out of every six homes is affected with radon exposure.
Radon within your home is a problem that is not going away. However, by taking the appropriate radon mitigation steps, you will be able to protect yourself from radon’s affects.
As Radon decays, it emits particles that can cause lung cancer. Radon sticks to dust and aerosols in the air. Particles radiate into the lung and damage tissues. Alpha particles are 100 times more likely to cause cancer than other types of radiation.
Radon is the number one exposure to naturally occurring radiation in the US. It is a colorless radioactive gas, is a decay product of uranium found in soils, rocks and water. Radon contributes to more annual environmental caused deaths thank pesticides on food, asbestos death and carbon monoxide.
Radon is a natural gas from the breakdown of radium that is developed within the soil beneath your home. Radon is drawn into your home through the “natural stack effect” of the house. Once in your home, radon can alter lung tissue which may possibly lead to lung cancer and other health issues.
Our team of skilled technicians will work with you during the entire process to create a system that protects you and your family. To begin the process please schedule an appointment with us today.
Although your Water Treatment and Radon Aeration systems require periodic maintenance and service by our skilled technicians, to maintain their optimal efficiency and cleanliness, you the homeowner, need to perform certain simple service procedures, that are also necessary to help maintain the efficiency of your water treatment systems, between service visits.
Our staff at Advanced Radon Mitigation & Water Treatment want you to be well informed and well-served.
Corey Buchan is our Founder and boldly started up Advanced Radon Mitigation & Water Treatment, making sure we're ARMed to the teeth!
As the company continued to grow, we introduced officially branded vehicles to increase our local visibility and credibility.
With the need to increase our crew and with many seeking skilled work, we expanded our team.
With our continued success and growth, Advanced Radon Mitigation & Water Treatment found a great location that didn't cost an ARM and a leg...
In 2023, Advanced Radon Mitigation & Water Treatment expanded their online presence, to better serve new and existing customers. You can say we have a "digital ARMory."
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